Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Past Events

Past Events

July, 2-3

AFSSI Connexions

Cyprio was part of the AFSSI Connexions held in Montpellier. We were delighted to do a presentation pitch and to present our poster about the lastest results from HCLPearls®.

We were glad to participate to the HepaRG webinar hosted by our partner Biopredic International, to present our encapsulated HepaRG® model: HCLPearl®. If you weren’t able to attend the webinar, you can watch the webinar through the button ( passeword: a#$T%3K$ )

Biopredic International Webinar
Online - 10 am CET

June, 27

January, 22-24

FSSCR Annual Meeting

Cyprio was part of the next annual congress of the French Society for Stem Cell Research that held in Paris between January, 22 and January, 24. We were proud to share our recent results on our collaboration project with INSERM UMR_S 1193 on high-throughput encaspulation of stem cell-derived hepatocytes.

We won the Public Prize for Best Poster !

AFSSI Webinar
Online - 3pm CET

January, 25

Our CEO, Raphaël Durand, has presented Cyprio’s technology with its advantages & benefits during French Association of Innovation and Service Companies webinar.