Removing barriers to 3D cell culture
-A new generation of organoids-
High throughput production of
encapsulated 3D organoids
Our technology allows a fast generation of organoids while eliminating the current limitations such as organoid fusion or functionality loss thanks to the semi-permiable hydrogel membrane.
Our technology is compatible with many different cell types, such as cancerous cell lines or pancreatic islets.
We are able to encapsulate a cell line of YOUR interest so that you can benefit from all the advantages of our technology and answer your specific scientific questions...
We are able to encapsulate a cell line of YOUR interest so that you can benefit from all the advantages of our technology and answer your specific scientific questions...
Customized encapsulation service
We have applied our technology to mammal hepatocytes to develop an easy-to-use 3D models for pharmaceutical industries and academic laboratories.
We have already released Human and Rat HepatoPearls® and are continuously developing other products...
We have already released Human and Rat HepatoPearls® and are continuously developing other products...
Encapsulated liver cells
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